03 December 2007

Random funny shit talking

Kovy scored his 22nd to lead the league. That's all you need to know about the game last night. Moving on.

We seriously urge you to go to Way Offside and add this blog to your blog roll. Add it to your bookmarks. Possibly just make it your damned homepage because I don't think you want to miss a thing they say. Yeah, we're funny over here, me and How You Do, but we're not consistently funny. Way Offside? CONSISTENTLY FUNNY! Plus! They talk shit about the Caps and Kittens too! I MIGHT BE IN LOVE WITH THE BLOGGER BEHIND THIS BLOG! But I'm not sure. I'll let you know.

NHL Changes Schedule
Under the old schedule, each team would play every team in their division eight times a season, play every team in their conference, and play a fewer number in the opposing conference–but not every team. It was a strategy to build division rivalries and, in many cases, it worked. But in the Southeast division, this meant that fans had to endure eight annual games between the Florida Panthers and the Washington Capitals, which is the real reason Terry Schiavo wanted to kill herself.

(Mostly) not gay
Injury and surgery couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Yes, Sean Avery is hurt. Maybe it'll stop his parading about the media. Seems he's been everywhere lately, even a recent Q&A with the New York Times magazine. In it, Avery cites various "important" things he has around his house and things he covets, including the Dior men's fashion line. But just to make sure we know his wrist wasn’t injured in a tragic "jazz hands" accident, and that he's totally not gay–in case you were wondering, just because he wants to be an editor at a fashion magazine–he spelled it out for us with his final response in the Q&A. Avery said that always near his bed was "a beautiful woman." If he means that disgusting Olsen twin he was banging, we figure "beautiful woman" must be code for "clock radio."
Love. It's love. I'm in love. I have to stop posting now so I can start stalking this blogger. Tune in tomorrow for game day preview (I know, right? Who knew I remembered how?!), and um. Something else interesting. Probably me blowing sunshine up Kari's ass since it's what I do best.

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