Kari Lehtonen on how he felt after his 34 save performance last night:
"Of course it sucks that we lost, but from a goalie standpoint I think this was better for me to get more shots and that made me feel comfortable. You never know what's going to happen in the first game of the year but there was plenty of action. Now we have to go forward from this. We didn't play very well and they did. I think the defensemen did a good job letting me see the puck. There were only a couple of shots that I wasn't able to see and they went wide, so that was a good think to take away from the first game."
-- Blueland Blog
30 September 2008
Quoth Karppa
Filed By: lehtonen, pre-season, quoteable
If he truly had the defensemen playing well in front of him, one would think he could do better than 34/38 saves... Less than .900 SP is pretty bad.
It's nice of him to give credit to his defensemen, but it's pretty obvious that either he's dumbing down their failure, or he's suggesting he himself is playing poorly.
Naw it was 35/37 I think. The last goal was an empty netter and didn't go against his sv% which came out to either .918 or .916, which curiously is identical to last season.
I think he's mastered the English language enough to put good spin on things. He said his dmen did a good job letting him see the puck. He did NOT say they did a good job defending their zone. Also, what's he going to say? "My dog could play better D?" Hah.
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