So.... Lucic is injured, and for once Claude Julien's playing his cards close to the vest, and not even specifying if it's upper or lower body. But! Fret not! Jarkko Ruutu is suspended for 2 games for biting Andrew Peters, and really my question here is, who in their right mind would bite a nasty ass hockey player glove? Marc Savard, that's who! If you recall, when Savvy played for the Thrashers in '03, he bit Darcy Tucker on the glove and got to watch from the press box for 3 games. Somehow this story has a nice logical tie-up but I'm not entirely sure where or how to find it, so, draw your own conclusions.
07 January 2009
[Bruins] Yin and Yang, bizarro style?
Filed By: bruins, coincidence?, cost per save, injury update, lucic
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