Who likes Tesla? Who knew the title was a Tesla song? Did something just touch my leg under my desk? I'm totally freaked out now. But my point here is - welcome to the Kari some of us have always known and loved. I have a sneaky suspicion that someone's been spending a lot of time talking to, or with, their family lately, and as a result, their accent has become a lot heavier, and they're reverted to their pre-NHL form and quality. And clearly when I say someone, I mean Lehtonen. Well fucking played, Karppa.
I'm still a little vexed as to why he called the past 14-15 games "fun" ... has he been drinking? They haven't even been much fun to watch. Last night's was pretty good. And listen, I loved the 93-94 Rangers, and I've seen every retirement ceremony thusfar, but sweet jesus do they have to be so effing LONG? "Congratulations, no one else will ever have your number" raise the banner, call it a day.
Before anyone goes getting their hopes up too high, just remember the deadline's one month from tomorrow. So anything happening in the next month could be just as much showcasing as it could be stellar play.
Not a sermon. Just a thought.
04 February 2009
Gettin' better every day
Weren't Tesla the only 80s metal band (they were considered metal, right? Pop-metal? They weren't hair metal, were they?) with an openly gay lead singer?
Have to admit I couldn't identify a single Tesla song.
..... Are you thinking of Judas Priest? Jeff Keith's not gay that I'm aware of.
You should look into them. They're from the hair band generation but they were pre-grunge rock/grunge.
Oh, how could I forget Rob Halford and the Priest?
Best metal band ever, in my opinion, possibly tied with Black Sabbath and 80s Metallica...
dude, seriously, i don't thank anyone can top 84-91 metallica. like. ever. until "one" came out and they sold out and their music turned to crap.
except maybe megadeth!!!! also don't sleep on motorhead and slayer, bro.
You can tell if someone is hardcore if they say Metallica sold out with the Black album, but saying they sold out with "One"? Now that's really hardcore.
Tesla did that cover of "Signs" on their acoustic record. They were just good ole rock'n'roll....
Mr. Recaps-
Apparently there are people who think Metallica sold out as early as "Fade to Black." That's, like, ultrafacesmash hardcore. And unfortunate, really, because that means the only album they like is Kill Em All (the weakest of those years, IMO), and, uh, Fade to Black is such a great song.
Yeah, Megadeth and Slayer are way up there. Reign in Blood is a mega-favorite.
are we forgetting about ride the lightning? ....
oh oh!!!! and pantera!!!!
He did? Man I am a sucker for deep accents. I wonder if its on their nhl website?
to be totally honest, i doubt it. the thrashers SUCK at using/updating their "thrashers tv" site. i'm not even sure they're aware they HAVE it. i'd check youtube, it might be up there, but usually i'm the one pulling interviews off and uploading them, and i didn't record this one =(
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